I would have updated sooner but procrastination got the better of me..
Yeah, it's something like that. |
Story of my life. Now I don't know about you but even when I have
set plans to get something done (with the possibility of being productive looming over my head), I find the most mundane things too entertaining to tare myself away from instead. My brain, how you function so! Alas, I have temporarily beaten my nemesis of procrastination to give a little bit of a heads up to you blog readers...
No I have not forgotten or abandoned you, at least not yet.. At least three major posts will be coming your way in the month of August; starting with one I've actually spent more than 20minutes on writing which I will
most likely update on the 5th, so long as everything goes to plan.. and let's be honest; with me you never know. So keep a weary eye on the
Blog Twitter and check back regularly - you don't want to miss it! Or maybe you do, but hey, you won't know until you read it.. right?
Anyway, I feel the force shifting and Procrastination is on it's way back with a vengeance. Until the 5th, keep it dirty!