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Wednesday, 30 May 2012

The Bethesda Centre

So, you mean to tell me you're all about "helping those in need" but then go you off and fuck with an original service, the only one like it offered within all of Southwestern Ontario? Yeah well you know what - fuck you too!

Well now that that's out of my system, if you haven't guessed it yet; I am furious. If you haven't been following me on twitter or checked out my post "This one's for the mothers!"  you might be at a loss as to why; well sit down, shut up and allow me to explain;

Every little bit helps make a difference!
On February 1st, 2012 the Salvation Army announced their plans to shut down the Bethesda Centre located in London, Ontario if the centre was unable to raise a stated amount of money. The Bethesda Centre is an original organization geared to helping Teen Mom's with no where else to go; it offers programs to help these new and expecting mothers to be better able to handle the weight which is Motherhood. It houses 18 of these young ladies and their babies at a time; now tell me, is there anything similar to that in your area? Probably not, and that's what makes me so angry and hurt.

As a resource that has helped countless beginning families since 1955; the Salvation Army, which has sponsored it for years, has been pretty quick to pull the plug on it. From the beginning of February to now, the women working towards saving the Bethesda Centre have raised close to $400,000 CDN, which is about 25% of the impossible goal they were given of $1.5 million. That's not only dedication, but the fact that they've raised so much in so little time tells us that the community cares. On top of that, they've gained the support of the ever popular Justin Bieber, who's own mother gave birth to him while staying at the Bethesda Centre. Rumour's have also circulated that at least one other unnamed celebrity has offered backing as well.

Again, this is called concern and caring; something that people say they do, but don't often show results of. Justin Bieber has demonstrated the results of, by donating the proceeds which he himself would be receiving from his latest single; Mother's Day Dedication - Turn To You which he wrote from his mother. Now, the $400,000 mentioned above would be able to cover costs of the centre for roughly 2 years; thus allowing the proceeds of Bieber's single to make it's way over and make the difference it promises. However, because the money has not been handed over right away, the Salvation Army has denied the extension of the deadline; which depending on when you read this is either tomorrow, or today; May 31st.

One of the questions that should be asked and answered is "Why would such an organization like the Salvation Army turn down the support of a popular celebrity in today's society, and reject the deadline extension when it is of practically zero risk to them?"

This is their chance; let's help them have it!
There isn't a reason or excuse; that's the bottom line and it's disappointing. Mind you, the Salvation Army has argued that it would be "irresponsible" (kind of feels like they're calling the Bethesda Centre "Irresponsible" doesn't it?) to fund this one of a kind resource catering to young (soon-to-be) teenage mothers when the funds could be "better used" elsewhere; like the Centre of Hope, also located in London, Ontario. See, that just irks me. I've recently moved back London and as a seasoned citizen; I'm aware that there are various other outlets to help people in need of Drug and Alcohol rehabilitation. Hell, I lived in the city for the majority of my life and all you see outside of the Centre of Hope is people doing drug deals with no one so much as batting an eye lash.. Now explain to me how that's a better service compared to one which has proven it's ability to make a change? The majority of the women involved in the Save Bethesda campaign are either employee's of the Centre (who also took a pay cut in order to help keep the doors open longer,) or former residents who want to help save a place which once, saved their lives.

Sadly, it seems that apathy (a lack of caring) has made itself known in a worldwide organisation based solely on caring and helping when no one else does. Bethesda Centre for Teen Mom's or The Centre of Hope for Drug and Alcohol rehabilitation; neither is greater than the other or more important. However, look at society, and actually see what is in more need. London has a great number of Teen Mothers who, if Bethesda is closed, will surely be left to fend for themselves; That's what we're subjecting these young girls to, along with their children.

Want to learn more about what makes the Bethesda Centre? Click Here

Help make a change; Donate Here and let's show them that it's never too late to help!

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