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Sunday, 6 May 2012

Where'd the spark go?

If there is one thing I can't stand about the world today; well it'd be the fact that there's more than one thing.

I grew up with a blunt understanding that the world was not perfect and to understand that everyone is fighting some sort of battle.What irritates me is how those personal battles, are now being posted on numerous places of Social Media. It's almost as if being content with your life is too much to ask for these days. Maybe I was just oblivious as a child (which is a high possibility, actually I'd bet on it) but I can't help feeling as if miserable is the new black.

Think about it for a second; when was the last time you told someone that you were happy to see them and actually meant it? Or even woke up with an excitement to face the day? It's probably been awhile and to be honest it's things like that which terrify me. Just because we grow older doesn't mean we should lose the 'spark' we all had as children. If anything that 'spark' should just continue to grow.

When we were younger we thought we had all the time in the world, and now just because we've experienced how fast time really does fly by; we put an unimaginable amount of pressure on our dreams. This pressure is not only making us the miserable lumps of adult we all swore never to be, but also it's clouding our judgement in how we deal with other things. From people to the environment and especially with ourselves; we're fucking up big time. Since everyone is now racing through life (I got to have this or that!) we're no longer looking out for everyone; just number one.

I don't know about you but I can pretty much hear my kindergarten teacher giving me a stern lecture about sharing and playing nice with the other kids. Remember, just because most of us can now reach the cookie jar with ease - doesn't mean we should take all the cookies there. Especially if there's a little kid around; you know that they're hatching a full proof plan to get one of those cookies.

Life isn't as complicated as we think; the fact the we're thinking so much on it, now that's the issue. It's all about perspective. Negative thoughts lead to negative outcomes. So plaster a smile on your face and channel that little kid who thought they could take on the world. Because believe it or not, they did, and they can do it again. Just kick that dark cloud looming over you to the curb and follow your heart; it might not lead you in the direction you're hoping right away but that's part of the fun which is life. Also, trust your gut, it's there for a reason.

If you feel lost, think back to the basic lessons your learnt as a child, and that's that you can do whatever you want, if you just set your mind to it. You've still had your spark this whole time; Don't be afraid to be that oblivious rose coloured glasses kid laughing at the simplest of things - it's who you still are anyway.

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