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Friday, 4 May 2012

The 4th is strong in this one!

"May the 4th be with you! Omgz I love Star Trek." Bitch please; that is not a Star Trek reference (mind you congrats on getting the 'Star' part correct! Here's a bump-it.) and your attempt to Nerd-off in order to impress your single guy friends has been a complete failure. Not only that but I hate you.

One thing I absolutely cannot stand about women is when they go parading about acting like the have "knowledge of" or are "Tots a fan of" a fandom (or anything for that matter) in order to attract guys. If you haven't guessed already today May 4th, is a Star Wars "holiday" (Yes, I said holiday!) created for fans to celebrate the culture and overall awesomeness that is Star Wars. Now usually fake fans (male or female) put a smile on my face as I either laugh or destroy them 12 times in my mind. But since everyone on facebook and twitter will be posting "May the 4th be with you." statuses I thought I'd bring a couple things to light.

Move over Padme; you're in the way!
Most of the people who post this have probably never watched Star Wars more than once in their lives. Not only that, they probably love the prequel (Episodes 1-3) more than the original 1977 Star Wars franchise (Episodes 4-6). Now, I'll give the prequel a break on one thing and one thing only and that's the fact that a younger me had a huge crush on Hayden Christensen A.K.A Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader. He's just nice to look at, leave me alone!

Another thing that most people posting this probably don't know is that Star Wars was originally a book series. Now I know I went and blew your mind and are probably thinking me a liar.. well I'm not so suck it up. Plus I challenge people to post as many of the non main characters names - without wikipedia - in the comment section below; and hey while you're at it say a bit about your favourite character or what you enjoy most about Star Wars.

Not only are the majority of these status "whores" (again, male or female) reposting the same thing, but they don't even try to mix it up with any other lines (look at title for example). They're simply copying and pasting or re tweeting the same thing with no fan fire behind them. A shame that should not be acceptable on a fandom holiday. I mean, it's a day to celebrate the mutual love people have for a book/movie franchise that brought them joy, from ages 1-110; people love Star Wars.

It's Darth Vader and all you've done is annoy and bring
shame to Star Wars. Please, go away..
I don't mean to sound hateful or holier than thou; because I'm not. I know I'm not the biggest fan of Star Wars, but at least I know the basis and enjoy it. I mean, there's plenty of Star Wars knowledge I've probably forgotten over the years or simply haven't bothered to look up. However you have to look at the interest someone actually takes in something (be it a fandom, band, type of food, whatever!) and be able to know fake interest from real. It's just like making friends people. Don't get me wrong, I completely understand that people have a need to fit in and when a status involving something like Star Wars goes viral, you automatically click the re tweet button. Star Wars is that much of a pop culture icon. I get it.

What I guess I'm trying to get at is do it for the right reasons. If the tweet or facebook status reminded you of something you once loved and forgot about? Cool! Well welcome back to the cool kids table. However if you did it so you don't feel socially outcast or in an attempt to get that cute hipster who claims to love Star Wars to notice you? Wrong reasons, and you should really take sometime to mull over that "Thinking for yourself" thing propaganda tells you not to do. Because let's be honest, if the boy wasn't interested before it's highly unlikely that your new found love for Star Wars will change his mind.

Anyway, I'm going to finish setting up my VCR player and start my Star Wars marathon. Later losers! <3

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