Blog Archive

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Oh, Life!

You're one sneaky and strange little bastard, aren't you?

Guess who got the wonderful (and shocking) news that she was going to be an Aunt again just last week? Yep, this bundle of sarcasm and profanity. Along with that roller coaster of emotions, I've been dealing with a Pimp who get's 95% of my income. Now, before you start thinking "OMG IS SHE A HOOKER?!" No, I'm not. The "pimp" in which I speak of is a euphemism if you will, for the college fees I have been pulling out of my ass lately. To go along with that I've recently sustained tendon damage along with a couple bruised bones in my right hand/wrist. Good times man, good times.

Oh well...who knows, I might get the whole "Super Aunt" thing right this time! One can hope, right? Anyway, so my preggo sister got an ultra sound done just yesterday.. turns out she's further along than anyone thought. Forget being 2-3 months (which is what we maxed her out at) nope, instead she's closer to the 5-6 month mark! Her due date? December 24th, and this might sound mean but I refuse to move if her water breaks during Christmas Dinner.

"Yeah, yeah. I'll meet you at the hospital after I drink the turkey gravy! I mean, I might not be conscious - turkey coma and all - but I'll get there!" My brain, how you function. 

As for the "pimp" fees; let me start out saying that I had no plans on continuing my education this fall. Mostly my plan was to try and get a decent paying job to save up for more traveling. My though process was "School will always be there to go back to, I'll never be in the same condition - physically - for traveling ever again." probably not the best mindset but whatever. So, because of those "plans" all the fees leading up to my September semester start date have made it feel like I'm a cheap ass prostitute paying her over glorified pimp (Which I'm not!). Surely I can't be alone on this, right?

Now onwards to the explanation of just how I managed to screw up my hand: I have no bloody clue! If I had to take a stab in the dark at it, I'd guess it was injured at the gym a couple weeks ago. Aside from that I've got nothing. The one thing I can let you know for sure? It hurts like a son of a bitch! Honestly, the only reason I've been able to type this blog is due to tensor bandage I have wrapped around it like a mummy; and even then it's not without some pain.

If you don't know what a tendon damage is; it pretty much means that the fibers connecting my bones and muscles has been injured. You know how you're able to put weight on your hands to push yourself up? Yeah, with the current state of my right hand - I can't do that. I would much rather is be fractured or something; it'd heal faster. And before I went to get it checked out this weekend, I had the utterly brilliant idea to go to a Body Flow class at my local gym. Body Flow is a mix of Tai Chi, Pilates and Yoga. Please, hold your applause! Regardless of what I thought the state of injury was - I pretty much shot my hand trying to get through the class. Curse you Downward-Facing-Dog!

I'll be honest with you, my appreciation for being in a Country with Universal Health care sky rocketed after this weekend. Especially one that lets you back pay for visits when your health card is expired.Thank you Canada, I may hate your politics and your wait times suck, but at least I wont have to pay that minimum of $270 Urgent Care bill! Yep, Oh Canada bitches - and that's just the registered nurses fees. None of my other medical expenses that day were added. So again, thank you. My broke ass can't afford another pimp.

Well, I'm starting to cramp up. The updates I promised earlier will still happen, regardless of injury. Sadly, they might just take a bit longer to get to. So shut up and deal with it or go eat your feelings somewhere else :)

Until next time!

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